Become a Member of Strathglass Heritage Association
The aims of the Association are to research, record and preserve all or any aspects of the cultural, natural, archaeological and architectural heritage of Strathglass.
The Association aims to make such aspects of the heritage known to the public and in particular to the residents of Strathglass, and to encourage public and local interest in the heritage of Strathglass.
We are very fortunate to be in an area with a very rich heritage and membership of the Association is open to any persons interested in the heritage of Strathglass and willing to further the aims of the Association.
To become a member please complete the downloadable MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM and send via email at which point we will send you our bank details for payment.
Alternatively return it with your remittance to any of our office bearers or bring it along to one of our meetings, events or social evenings.