Struy Church of Scotland
Since its opening in 1897 the building designed by Ross & MacBeth, Inverness, has served as a body of the Free Church of Scotland (1897-1900), the United Free Church of Scotland (1900-1929) and Church of Scotland (1929 – present).
It was initially built as a replacement for the Free Church at Mauld a short distance away on the opposite side of the River Glass. The Mauld church dated from just after the Disruption and was damp, in need of much repair, difficult to reach at times due to flooding and generally not regarded as a good location. Struy church can seat up to 250 people.

Map showing old Free Church and school at Mauld
Estimated building costs were between £500 and £600 but due to the adoption of more ‘artistic’ plans by the Building Committee the final cost was £800 14s 6p.
The first pastor was the Rev. Colin MacKenzie (see also Fasnakyle Free Church) who carried on following the union that led to the building becoming part of the United Free Church in 1900. He was minister until his death in 1907.

Opening of Free Church at Struy on 1st September 1897
In 1929 the United Free Church reunited with the Church of Scotland at Erchless to form Erchless Church of Scotland. In 1979 the parish was combined with that of Kilmorack and became Kilmorack & Erchless Church of Scotland.

Centenery service 1997
The centenery of the church in 1997 was conducted by former Moderator of the Church of Scotland Reverend James Harkness together with the local minister Reverend Ayton Fairweather also responsible for the churches in Beauly and Cannich.