Month: September 2019

The Metal Detective

Big thanks to our member Dennis Ross for his highly informative talk on his metal detecting activities. Dennis is a mine of information on his hobby and shared some historical and archaeological facts relating to his finds along the way.

He brought along a large number of items mainly from the local area including silver and gold coins together with a vast array of buckles, buttons and other decorative pieces. All in all a very enjoyable evening.

Exhibition 2019 – ‘Strathglass Through Time’

Our Exhibition this year ran from 12th to 24th August at Marydale and was a well attended event. We posted material on the major themes that have shaped the Strathglass area over several millenia. The exhibition was well received by locals and vistors alike. A number of people suggested that we incorporate some of the material in our website and hence this new site has been developed.

HAF Events

This year SHA is once again hosting events as part of the Highland Archaology Festival. Anyone can attend the events but please see notes below. Download full list of HAF 2019 events.

Sunday 29th September 2019
Time 2pm/Meet Marydale 1.45pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Guided Walk: Comar Wood Dun

Monday 30th September 2019
Marydale Hall, Cannich 7.30pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Talk: ‘The Metal Detective’ – Dennis Ross

Thursday 17th October 2019
Time 2pm/Meet Marydale 1.45pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Guided Walk: Marydale & Clachan Comar

Visit to Ruthven Barracks and Highland Folk Museum

Saturday 14/09/2019

Fortunately the bad weather that was forecast failed to materialise and we had a very enjoyable day out. First stop was Aviemore for light refreshments and then onto Ruthven Barracks.

Ruthven Barracks

The barracks were built following the 1715 Jacobite uprising as a base for the redcoats to patrol the local area. Accomodation was provided for up to 120 officers and men and latterly stables were added for horses of dragoons.

The Jacobite rising of 1745 saw the barracks besieged in August of that year but a garrison of only twelve redcoats reputedly repelled a force of three hundred. However the Jacobites returned in February 1746 with heavy guns and the garrison duly surrendered!

Team photo!

Following the defeat at Culloden the remnants of the Jacobite army regrouped at Ruthven where they were informed to disperse and seek out safety. The barracks are now in the care of Historic Environment Scotland

The Highland Folk Museum, previously located at Kingussie, opened at Newtonmore in 1996 expanding over the years to its current 80 acres stretching over a mile long site. There are four main areas to explore including Baile Gean (Township of Goodwill) a 1730s township superbly recreated based on an excavated settlement near Lynchat a few miles from Kingussie. Baile Gean was featured in the Outlander TV series. The other areas cover highland life through to the 1950s.

A cottar’s house

Lots to see all over the site including a school room where corporal punishment is still the order of the day! The old sweet shop, Kirk’s Store, is well worth a visit to get some Soor Plooms or Dolly Mixtures . The Museum is complemented by excellent facilities – cafe, toilets and gift shop.

A shieling

For more on the Highland Folk Museum visit their website or better still go and see it for yourself. Finally a big thank you to Bill Ross our bus driver for whom nothing is too much bother. Very much appreciated.

Welcome to our new website

Following our recent ‘Strathglass Through Time’ exhibition a number of members and visitors requested that some of the material be put on the website……so here it is.

It’s a work in progress at the moment so you may find some broken links but hopefully all will be sorted soon!