Category: Events
Annual General Meeting 2022
The AGM will be held at Marydale 7.30pm on Monday 10th October. Members and new members welcome to attend. This will be the first AGM since 2019. Minutes 2019. Agenda 2022.
Monday 26th September – First meeting in 3 years!
The Heritage and Archaeology of Upper Glen Cannich
Roland Spencer-Jones lives at the end of Strath Glass in Beauly, is a member of Strathglass Heritage, and is also an active member of NOSAS. He will present the results of recent archaeological survey work in Upper Glen Cannich. The top of this remote glen is now exceedingly hard to get to, and yet contains some interesting history and archaeology. The recent dry summers have revealed some astonishing prehistoric remains on the edge of what used to be Loch Lungard. Roland will bring together the stories, heritage, and now archaeology that relate to this glen.

Clearances Exhibition Cancelled
Due to the corona virus pandemic and the uncertainty as to when current restrictions will be lifted we have decided to cancel our exhibition on The Clearances planned for August. All being well it will now take place in August 2021.
Although online and printed material is still being researched we have lost access to the old estate records and documents at Highland Archives, Inverness Library and the NLS in Edinburgh that would contribute to a large part of the exhibition content.
Hopefully those researching at present will continue with a view to making Exhibition 2021 a major success.
Glenurquhart Heritage Group
Friday 14th February at 7.30pm
Talk in the Blairbeg Hall (Glenurquhart Hall) Annexe. David Fraser and Chris Grant will be talking about ‘Cnocan Burraidh Burial Ground – its people and restoration’. The Cnocan Burraidh graveyard covers 300 years of local history and the people buried at the site include people of national importance such as General Sir Charles Grant who was in charge of the Scottish Army in 1939; key figures from the early part of the British Empire in India; and Sir Theodore Gervais Chambers the Chairman of Welwyn Garden City from 1920 to 1950.
Entry is £1.50 ( includes tea & biscuits).

Clearances Exhibition 2020
Planning for next year’s exhibition is already underway. We are on the lookout for anyone with information that will be useful to us. This includes items you might have seen online or perhaps family histories, books, documents, etc. We are particularly keen to hear from relatives, at home or overseas, of those who were cleared who perhaps can share their family stories.
You can get in touch by emailing SHA on
HAF: Visit to Marydale Chapel and Clachan Comar
As part of the Highland Archaeology Festival SHA is hosting an event inviting people to visit the RC Church at Marydale – the Church of Our Lady and St Bean followed by a short trip to Clachan Comar, a ruined 17th century church set within a graveyard which was still in use into the 20th century. (Clachan, meaning stones, is the Gaelic word for a graveyard). The church is built on the site of an earlier church, possibly 10th century, which was dedicated to Saint Bean and known as Kilbeathan.

The Metal Detective
Big thanks to our member Dennis Ross for his highly informative talk on his metal detecting activities. Dennis is a mine of information on his hobby and shared some historical and archaeological facts relating to his finds along the way.
He brought along a large number of items mainly from the local area including silver and gold coins together with a vast array of buckles, buttons and other decorative pieces. All in all a very enjoyable evening.

Exhibition 2019 – ‘Strathglass Through Time’
Our Exhibition this year ran from 12th to 24th August at Marydale and was a well attended event. We posted material on the major themes that have shaped the Strathglass area over several millenia. The exhibition was well received by locals and vistors alike. A number of people suggested that we incorporate some of the material in our website and hence this new site has been developed.
HAF Events
This year SHA is once again hosting events as part of the Highland Archaology Festival. Anyone can attend the events but please see notes below. Download full list of HAF 2019 events.
Sunday 29th September 2019
Time 2pm/Meet Marydale 1.45pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Guided Walk: Comar Wood Dun

Monday 30th September 2019
Marydale Hall, Cannich 7.30pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Talk: ‘The Metal Detective’ – Dennis Ross

Thursday 17th October 2019
Time 2pm/Meet Marydale 1.45pm
Highland Archaeology Festival Guided Walk: Marydale & Clachan Comar